The ancient history of Kundanthai – Kumbakonam Thirukudanthai. Kumbakonam in ancient days Kudanthai.

Kumbakonam also spelt in the name of cumbakonam.

Kumbakonam is one of the oldest towns of South India. Kumbakonam is a town in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu. Kumbakonam, the famous temple town of South India, is picturesquely located amidst the two rivers, “River Cauvery” on the north and “River Arasalar” on the south. Its located nearly 240 kilometers from chennai and 100 kilometers from Trichy.

Kumbakonam is famous for its Mahamaham festival. This festival is celebrated every 12 years at the Mahamaham Tank. In the 7th Century. Next kumbakonam mahamaham is on 2016

Kumbakonam was the Capital of Chola Kings. Kumbakonam is an agricultural trading center in an area known for its rice and betel leaves. The Kumbakonam is attracting laksh and laksh of people for Dharsan of the temples in and around the Kumbakonam.

Kumbakonam is famous for silk sarees and for bronze vessals in various components. The sarees in silk and pattu is famous in this city. The famous Thirupuvanam for sarees is in Kumbakonam city. The betal nul leaves are tasty in Kumbakonam. Next to Kancheepuram there are number of famous temples with historical festivity. The temples are situated in the Bank of River Cauvery. The city is industrious business commercial centres with it and you can see Gopura and Kumba from any place when once enter into the city.

The colleges in the city of Kumbakonam were said to be equal to the Cambridge in those days for contents and talents. Great peoples were born in this city. Kumbakonam has given birth to famous historical persons of great elite in the history of time. The World famous mathematician Ramanujan born in this city.

Kumbakonam is the second bigger town in Thanjavur District. It is just 51/2 hours drive from Chennai and 21/2 hours from Trichy, and is well-connected with all towns and cities by Road and Train. The nearest Airport is in Trichy 100 kms.

Kumbakonam is not a name but a place of worship and great importance for sprit and soul.

The Kumbakonam is also famous for pooja articles. Most of the pooja articles are manufacturing in kumbakonam . Kumbakonam kuthuvilakkau, pattu, beetel nut, supari and statues are the most popular articles in India.

Kumbakonam silk saree are most popular in Indian silk saree market.